To be honest, I was not sure what this class was going to offer, or what we would be learning. I chose it because I had Professor Melander for ITECH 200, and learned a great deal that I will take with me for the rest of my life. As it turns out, this class has done the same. Before coming into class, I barely knew what a blog was, and thought social networking only consisted of Facebook and MySpace. Many of the tools that i have learned in this class, i will use and remember for the rest of my life and am extremely thankful for that.
I believe that the skills i have learned in ITECH 200 and 333, will definately prove to be useful as I move into the real world and search for a job/career/life.:)
Thanks for reading!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Social Networking Evolution

In the past, AOL was the only social networking site, charging a monthly access fee for their email, IM, and internet services. Competition was virtually non-existant which made AOL a little too comfortable in the industry. As competition became more threatning, not charging for their email and internet services and computers having internet explorer or safari already installed, AOL could not keep up and had to make their services free.
Google and Yahoo became the leaders in this new era and have been trying to compete with one another for a number of years. The introduction of My Yahoo and iGoogle along with IM features on these sites allows users to maintain social networking without having to go on different pages or sign onto different accounts - which is a huge advantage and extremely convenient for users. The only problem with this is for Google and Yahoo. They do not charge for their features which makes it hard for them to turn a profit. Advertising is the only way for these sites to make money- but with 4 out of 10,000 users only clicking on the ads, it is not the best way for companies to advertise their products, so i wouldnt be suprised if they choose to put their funds towards other means. It will be interesting to see where the next generation of social networking will pop up.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Multi-tasking in the workplace

Cell phones, blackberrys, laptops, IPODS, have all become such a huge part of our generations everyday lives. The only problem is, that older generations who are not as techonolgically savvy do not understand it.
Last week i went to a pannel of marketing professionals who spoke about thier careers, how they got started- what they are looking for when hiring potential employees, etc. At the end of the pannel, the floor was open for questions and someone asked what is a huge turnoff of colleagues who are just entering the workforce. All three of them agreed on two responses; One being the unwillingness for employees to "pay their dues" in other words do whatever needs to be done- taking a low paying job to learn about the industry...They said that too many college students think they are going to get out of college and become CEO's - its just not going to happen. Secondly they explained how our generation are always on our phones, checking email or surfing the web - In meetings, at their desk when work should be getting done, this subject got them pretty heated.
This is something that comes second nature for us, we are used to doing 100 different tasks at once and getting it all done on time. For other generations who did not grow up with these technologies, so it is not as embedded in their lifestyles, it may be a little unhabitual. I thought it was really interesting to hear this from potential employeers, and although we are not trying to be rude or disrespectful at times, it may come off that way to others.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Facebook and Politics...A good mix?
Facebook has transformed how young people interact with politics tremendously. A person may post their political views on their personal page, stating whether they are liberal or conservative, who they are voting for, the reasons as to why and even has become a medium for many debate groups. The site also allows videos to be posted of the different candidates from recent debates or addresses to the public. I believe that this will get more the younger generations to be more aware as to what is going on in the political world, and what each candidate stands for. Although the whole population is not on facebook, i think that candidates will definately look to facebook to see how their fans/foes are feeling about their position and will be able to see how they fair in comparison to competition.
Just last year before facebook became a political powerhouse, one of my friends who was doing and internship down here at the white house posted his views, which to me at the time seemed a little odd, not knowing that it would become so popular. This afternoon i signed onto facebook, where they asked me to add the US Politics application to my profile. Personally, i do not have and will not post my political views on my personal page because it is a sensitive subject for many people and I was always told not to talk about politics with friends; After all, facebook is a site to remain connected with friends, isn't it?
Below is an example of the questions you may answer and post on your personal page on facebook...
Take a Stand against Political Issues
2008 Presidential Candidates:
Capital Punishment:
Curent Administration (Bush/Cheney):
Current Congress:
Electoral College:
Flag Burning:
Gay Rights:
Global Warming:
Gun Control:
Illegal Immigration:
Marijuana Legalization:
Minimum Wage:
Right to Die:
School Prayer:
Separation of Church and State:
Social Security:
Stem Cell Research:
United Nations:
War in Iraq:
Just last year before facebook became a political powerhouse, one of my friends who was doing and internship down here at the white house posted his views, which to me at the time seemed a little odd, not knowing that it would become so popular. This afternoon i signed onto facebook, where they asked me to add the US Politics application to my profile. Personally, i do not have and will not post my political views on my personal page because it is a sensitive subject for many people and I was always told not to talk about politics with friends; After all, facebook is a site to remain connected with friends, isn't it?
Below is an example of the questions you may answer and post on your personal page on facebook...
Take a Stand against Political Issues
2008 Presidential Candidates:
Capital Punishment:
Curent Administration (Bush/Cheney):
Current Congress:
Electoral College:
Flag Burning:
Gay Rights:
Global Warming:
Gun Control:
Illegal Immigration:
Marijuana Legalization:
Minimum Wage:
Right to Die:
School Prayer:
Separation of Church and State:
Social Security:
Stem Cell Research:
United Nations:
War in Iraq:
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Network Job Hunting
First of all, i would just like to explain that i am at my workstudy job and am watching the job fair in action - feeling guilty already that i am not attending (and might i add i do not have a job for next year) only to feel worse when i read the articles for this week, all about Job Searching and Recruiting....I think it may be a sign

I do believe that Social Networking sites will become a new means for potential employeers to search more "resumes" on hiree's even more than they have already become. I have discussed in earlier posts about how its not about what you know, it is who you know, which i believe is more prominant than ever. The idea of six degrees of separation is expanding our networking circles, especially with blogs, sites such as linkedin, facebook and myspace to name a few.
I read an article which named 10 simples rules for hiring employees and found them really interesting and optimistic for myself in my future job search(hopefully):
Here they are:
Hire Great People: 10 Simple Rules
by Barbara ReinholdMonster Contributing Writer
Hire Great People: 10 Simple Rules
by Barbara ReinholdMonster Contributing Writer
Rule number one is clear, but very counterintuitive: Don't ever, ever hire somebody just like yourself. Why not? Because from the beginning of time, executives have been unconsciously cloning themselves, stocking the shelves with vanilla young men from impressive schools. And what has happened to executives and companies that did that? As management guru Rosabeth Kanter observed, they often sink into the soft sand of irrelevance as the rough waters of current reality wash over them.
Here are the other nine:
2. Hire for Attitude Rather than Skill
3. Look for Renegades
4. Hold out for Results
Never hire someone with good potential but questionable habits, thinking you can change him or her. As in choosing mates, what you see now is what you get forever.
5. Go for a Sense of Humor
The potential hire who can't laugh easily, particularly at herself, is going to be a very dull and probably rigid employee.
6. Fill in the Blanks
Look carefully at the aggregate strengths and skill gaps of your teams in various work units, and go for the qualities and styles that are missing.
7. Test Drive
Don't be satisfied with references. Remember that many of the most glowing references are given for people others are eager to dump. Include day-long simulations as part of your interview process, or invite applicants to provide you with a portfolio of their best work.
8. Stock the Bullpen
9. Push Harder for Diversity
Make certain you're spreading your net wide enough to find those high-potential, but different, fish who generally don't swim in the streams near you. Ask your HR group what contacts and periodicals they're using to interest potential hires. "We don't know where to find people different from us" is a costly excuse.
10. Listen
Most interviewers talk way too much. When a candidate finally gets to you, listen for the "story line" of his or her life, at home and at work. It's been said that being a leader is like practicing psychiatry without a license. That may be more true in hiring than in any other part of the job.
The job of recruiting is too serious to be handed off in its entirety to HR. Your legacy will be set, after all, by the teams you choose to accomplish your objectives.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Disservice to Americans

Citizen Journalism has become the new way for people to access Media, which can be both positive and negative depending on where you access your information from. We talked about this concept in one of my other classes, Contemporary Media, and one point that kept being brought up was whether or not the information we access is truthful or magnified to make a persons point more visible.
We watched this video clip which is part of the show Crossfire on CNN, in which two men debate different media from their different views, Liberal and Conservative. In this clip, John Stewart is the guest, and he is criticizing the two broadcasters for giving the people bad information, citing that their show is where people gain their information. As as a result they are doing a disservice to Americans who watch their show regularly and of this interview as well as other issues, the two broadcasters were fired.
Click Here to Access the Clip.
Picture found on google images.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Virtual Teams: Hate it or Love it

Are Virtual Teams a good or bad idea?
I believe that the concept is great, but it is the execution that will make or break the"virtual team"
I have been on many different athletic teams in my life and some have been successful, while others failed horribly. The only way for a team to function is if everyone is on the same page and if there is massive communication. An article by the Milestone Group explains what determines whether a team flourishes or expires, and credits face-to-face communication through using technology, and conference calling at their office desk rather than in a big conference room. They also discouraged group emails citing that it takes away from personalization, which i completey agree with.
Virtual teams are the future of business and I believe will prove to be successful for many companies if they go about it the right way. With these virtual teams, it may bring people's ideas together that would normally not happen becasue of the distance. The long trips which are time and money are minimized also which is a positive outcome along with the transferring of employees to different cities decreased.
We will see the expanstion of businesses and Virtual Teams in the near future.
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