Sunday, April 6, 2008

Facebook and Politics...A good mix?

Facebook has transformed how young people interact with politics tremendously. A person may post their political views on their personal page, stating whether they are liberal or conservative, who they are voting for, the reasons as to why and even has become a medium for many debate groups. The site also allows videos to be posted of the different candidates from recent debates or addresses to the public. I believe that this will get more the younger generations to be more aware as to what is going on in the political world, and what each candidate stands for. Although the whole population is not on facebook, i think that candidates will definately look to facebook to see how their fans/foes are feeling about their position and will be able to see how they fair in comparison to competition.

Just last year before facebook became a political powerhouse, one of my friends who was doing and internship down here at the white house posted his views, which to me at the time seemed a little odd, not knowing that it would become so popular. This afternoon i signed onto facebook, where they asked me to add the US Politics application to my profile. Personally, i do not have and will not post my political views on my personal page because it is a sensitive subject for many people and I was always told not to talk about politics with friends; After all, facebook is a site to remain connected with friends, isn't it?

Below is an example of the questions you may answer and post on your personal page on facebook...
Take a Stand against Political Issues
2008 Presidential Candidates:
Capital Punishment:
Curent Administration (Bush/Cheney):
Current Congress:
Electoral College:
Flag Burning:
Gay Rights:
Global Warming:
Gun Control:
Illegal Immigration:
Marijuana Legalization:
Minimum Wage:
Right to Die:
School Prayer:
Separation of Church and State:
Social Security:
Stem Cell Research:
United Nations:
War in Iraq:


Stephen said...

I definitely agree with you that politics should be kept away from our personal profiles. The general, "political views" option that Facebook already supplies is sufficient for me to display to the world. Anything beyond that has had a tendency to tear apart friendships and relationships. As I have always been told- "You should keep politics and religion away from the dinner table." I feel this should be applied to Facebook as well. Nothing good can come from it... on a personal level. Yet, for candidates to express themselves and to reach out to youth, I think it is a great medium.

Adam Saxe said...

I don't necessarily agree since some people such as senators have profiles for the simple reason to express/share their political views. It is dangerous though. I don't have any political information on my facebook because I don't like the idea of facebook saving information on my profile, especially a bout politics. Like we have talked about before... Only put up what you want to SHARE with the world.

Brian said...

I think that if someone wants they can help others recognize what they are voting for like abortion or the economy for awareness of a situation. I don't do it and I avoid talking about those topics my grandma however enjoys sending me emails that perceive the democrats as terrorist.

A|B said...

Politicians have found this new wave and its fun to find out how they are reacting to the benefits of technology. Obviously they dont do any of it and as I mentioned on my blog its kids like us who have a technological advantage.

Katie said...

Whole I like the fact that facebook will allow younger people to become more involved in politics, I will not post anything other than maybe something that says whether I am a conservative, moderate, or liberal. This is because I absolutely never know what will effect me getting jobs in the future. If I post a video, I am crossing the line slightly, giving too much information out about myself. The video might reveal my thoughts on abortion or border control and I do not want everyone to necessarily know my thoughts. After this class, I am just too paranoid to put much information out about myself.