Sunday, March 2, 2008

Link-In Yourslef

Social Networking has taken over the business world and I believe will eventually become something that determines wether or not you are hired for certain positions. Networking and this idea of Six Degrees of separation helps businesses get tasks done quicker through using their connections and networks in gathering relevant information, gaining references, making sales, etc. The problem is idea of what is privacy and where is the line crossed. When is it okay to share your contacts and when should you keep it confined.

One company offers a $25 dollar American Express gift certificate for revealing a contact. The problem with this that if the contact is not revelaed, that the business world may become more like cat and mouse, where management is chasing down employees to gain insights or potential sales. This puts a lot of power into employees hands and could turn out to be future problems.

Companies may start to ask for contacts when looking at potential hires, because it has become so important in the business world. It may be more beneficial for a company to hire someone with a great deal of contacts who is willing to share over someone who may be more qualified, but not willing to share/ doesnt have as many connections.

Websites have been a huge push in this craze, with Facebook, MySpace, Friendster- all of which allow you to keep in touch with people throughout the world. Linked, which is geared solely for businees claims to help users:

  • Stay in touch

  • Discover job & business opportunities

  • Get expert business advice

We will see what the future brings for Social Networking in Business.

Here is an interesting video i found on YouTube explaining how barak Obama is getting involved with social networking and LinkedIn

Barak Obama and LinkedIn


A|B said...

Jackie, I to believe that these site might have an influence on wether or not you get hired, but again there is something about knowing who you know that is priceless and that is where your Internet and personal networks have to merge. These are valuable networking opportunities and they should be treated as such

Adam Saxe said...

I think it matters the job. Yes, for some jobs knowing your employee is EVERYTHING, and for others, past experience may be more important that the employees personality.

I agree that LinkedIn is probably the future of job searching though. In the past 2 years it really has become much more popular. I just hope it stays are professional as it is right now.

Brian said...

I think linkedin has a lot of potential and could be the future but the recommendation and knowing people seems to be staying strong. you better win this wednesday or we are no longer social connected. or physically?