Before last weeks ITEC class, I had no idea that Second Life or the idea of a new virtual business even existed and to be honest I still feel a little out of the loop.
To my knowledge, Second Life is like a video game for adults, and i dont really see how if can be beneficial for a business world. By making an account and putting in all of your information seems like it can be dangerous- if companies are getting in trouble for blogging, I can only imagine what will happen with this. Although it seems to be a good idea for where our technology is heading for the future, and more and more businesses are logging into the virtual world, i am still hesitant that it will turn out positive.
I searched Second Life on google and found this artice that i thought was interesting:
BusinessWeek Article
I also think its a little creepy to see yourself virtually, but this lady seems to be excited about it:

Creepy is an absolute part of the equation but its part of the business world and its impossible to avoid. To answer your question it can be beneficial to a business because it allows them to expand further more into a target market who is already introducing new tools like Second Life into the market. Don't be afraid of what will be of only brick businesses but Second Life is important to notice and at least try to learn.
I completely agree with both of you about how Second Life can be creepy. My problem is that if you really want to play a game like this why not play SIMS which is much safer? People have a desire to interact with people online because they know that they can be whoever they want to be to other people.
I am sure businesses will find all sorts of ways to take over second life. You will be able to buy designer clothes and the newest jaguar. There is a large potential for Second Life to become more than just a video game for adults, lets hope companies find a way to do it well.
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