Sunday, February 3, 2008

Customize this

Customization has became the new wave for retail businesses and the online world, which is a great idea and has been extremely successful, but does it take away from the brand image? Can customization actually hurt a company because it strays from what their brand stands for?

I have bought sneakers from NikeID after designing them online, and was disappointed with the actual product because they looked completely different on the website. I have heard of many people sending their shoes back to be remade because they are not what they wanted which turns me off from online buying and customization. Although it is convenient, you are not always sure what you may receive.

It is a great idea to put a customization expert in NikeTown, i think that it will generate a lot of exposure, especailly to the generations that are not that internet savvy and may help with making sure you are getting the product that you intended on.

Link to NikeID where you can customize your individual shoe and i designed this pair. Be aware that it is highly addicting with all of the different color options, so i suggest only visiting when you have time to spare.;nisessionid=Y0RTWPMRVDBXMCQFTAPCF3Y?_requestid=2591643#build,nikeairmax_womens.1100102.1,_6169724d61783930303730392e2e32,9010258,

1 comment:

Alyssa said...


I am a little confused about what you mean when you say "customization might damage the brands" image. As marketers are becoming more internet friendly they will try and reach consumers online. This trend is undeniable. If a person does not want to customize the shoe they should just go to the store. Although I do agree with you when you say it is smart for their to be Nike experts in the store to advise consumers.